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World Drinks Awards 2024—French Terroir Winners Announced!

The World Drinks Awards is thrilled to announce that winners for the French Terroir categories have been revealed!

After winners for the World Drinks Awards categories were released last May, it’s now time to unveil the results for cognac, armagnac and calvados.

We proudly present the medalists, Best and World’s Best awards for the French Terroir categories!

Julia Nourney, chair of judges for the awards, commented: “It’s been a fantastic year for the French Terroir spirits. Seeing the level of quality for each entry compared to last year, was an amazing thing to witness—a notable example being the popularity of the Cognac XO category. This level of increasingly exceptional quality has provided a real challenge to our judges and put their sensory abilities to the test. A big thank you to those judges and congratulations to all the winners!”

World Cognac Awards 2024 - Winners

World Calvados Awards 2024 - Winners

World Armagnac Awards 2024 - Winners
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